Showing posts with label class. Show all posts
Showing posts with label class. Show all posts


Classes part 2.

Classes roles , evey know warrior can’t be a healer and priest can be a helaer but can’t tank. So we get simple conclusion  don’t every class is best in everything some of them are better in one role and worst in other. So let’s see what’s WoWWiki said : 

AoE is Area of  Effect. What’s it mean? It’s attacking big area with your attacks.

Heal is healing effectivity of healing injures easy? Yep easy?

Tank  Effectiveness at holding aggro and soaking up damage. Easy yep EASY!

CC  Ability to control crowds of mobs or enemies

Pull it's pulling mobs to you.

Buff is's ability of givng your mates a magic bost witch one give a stron bost up!

DBF aka. debuff , effectiveness of debuffing enemies. This includes from DoTs and other weakening effects.
Ma usefulness as the main assist, the one of the group calling the next target for all members 

DPS - Damage per second , how much DMG you make :]

Oke,  I think you saw a numbers in this table let's figure out what's it mean.

Oke you know now about some basics of classes roles who is best in what and who is worste in what..

source : WoWWiki